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Hi Galit,
Can I interest you in some Sith Lord whale tongue oils perchance?
Those are some useful and common questions. This might actually be a short answer for once.
Editing Listings on Amazon
Well, think of it this way. If you are getting suppressed, you have no chance of selling this item or acquiring the Buy Box. Helping the competition or not, you don’t really have an option but to load an image so anyone might have a chance at selling some units.

That said, this might not be your true issue.

On Amazon, you have two essential directions on listings:

  • I need to create the data, because the item doesn’t exist.
  • I need to fact-check the data I am connecting to, because it exists already.
  • If you are connecting to an active live listing, it already has a photo. Right? In that case, you don’t need to send one.
If you are connecting to a listing with no picture, nobody can sell it right now. Someone needs to add an image for everyone to be able to sell it. Are you saying your competitor hasn’t pushed one up there? Someone has to bite the bullet. A game of Amazon ASIN-chicken will be about as fruitful as debating if the egg came first.
A game of Amazon ASIN-chicken will be about as fruitful as debating if the egg came first.

Besides, Buy Box ownership is about a lot of things. A lot of weight is on your price competitiveness, but also your service levels and account health. Data also has a part to play. While we have no solid verification of this, we have…Read the full article here!;