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Listing Optimisation

All roads lead to Data

You are found by Data

We aren’t telling you anything new when we emphasize just how critically important data is towards search acquisition and conversions.

The better the data, the more…

  • It increases your sales. 
  • It validates the buyer’s needs (or prevents a refund)
  • It matches search inputs
  • It aligns to filters

Good data is key to being found, so thats exactly what we focus on.

Data also goes a step further…

  • It sets the tone of your Brand or company
  • It showcases your professionalism and attention to detail
  • It gives the buyer early impressions.

Is your title written for a UK or USA audience?

Is your description catering to a younger or mature audience?

What are your key demographic targets?

Do you read as professional, bland, stylish, young, trendy, unique… ?

Your Data must convert the traffic, hence why we regularly spot check our clients listings from a buyer’s veiw point.


Channels all have their own data personalities. Some love lots of data. Some demand it. Some could care less about the details. Its all nuance. Avoid nuances and risk lost on page 10 of search returns. 


Character counts, format differences, algorithm considerations…

Item Specifics! Valid values, listing detail, accuracy…
Images! White background, pixel sizes, types, hosting, lifestyle…
Categories! Dual categorisation, regional variations, category prominence…
Details! Shipping, descriptions, size charts, designs…