Looking to grow
How Amazon troubleshooting and sponsored advertising helped an emerging women’s razor and beauty brand successfully relaunch, doubling its month-on-month sales.
Multiple Amazon Problems
Despite offering ‘fuss-free’ shaving for women, FFS endured a ‘fuss-filled’ time selling their beauty products via Amazon. Not only had FFS been registered under a different brand name, but there were barcodes and pricing issues. Additionally, FFS struggled with 18+ product violations and delivery issues for razor/blades.
Emanaged enabled us to turn an Amazon concept that never got off the ground into a thriving and sustainable channel to scale.
Liz Needham, Managing Director, FFS
Perseverance and patience
With years of experience dealing with vague and unhelpful responses from Amazon, Rich Insight’s team of experts knew that perseverance and patience was key to resolving FFS’ issues. Rich Insight tirelessly pursued every issue (even if Amazon closed the tickets multiple times) and also implemented sponsored product and brand advertising to help boost sales.
Growth in sales each month from June to August
Rise in store sales in a single month
Improved conversion rate to this over six-months
Double MOM sales growth
Rich Insight fixed all of FFS’s issues over the course of the six-month period, resulting in 100% month-on-month sales growth from June to August and a 230% increase in store sales in one month alone. In addition, the conversion rate and Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACoS) remained strong, both at 10%.