We’re looking forward to this years Post Purchase Pro Amazon Hack webinar.
To be clear they aren't ‘hacks’ that will get you in trouble! They are best practise good tips. 😊
Founded by Seth and Shawn, they bring legitimacy, having grown a million dollar Amazon business the hard way. They also offer a fairly unique service offering that can get overlooked by sellers - email marketing Amazon customers.
Save the Date - May 10th!

Last year saw over 9,000 subscribers and a long list of solid Amazon tips.
Their event, for which the ‘hacks’ identified can be found in this PDF file, had a lot of good content for new and established Amazon sellers.
Their podcast is easy-listening and offers a fair bit of wider discussion and advice. It’s certainly interesting to learn different ideas and opinions. To a degree, given ex-Amazon employees do not know the secret algorithm sauces, we’re all trying to measure the data and guess how some parts work in detail.
Check them out on Youtube instead for videos, or even Linkedin or Facebook. Plenty of ways to follow them.
Please join us for this year’s event - it's all virtual and coming May 10th. Sign up here to get the exact details.
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