
FBA Fee Change Calculator

Written by The EM Team | Feb 8, 2023 5:53:37 PM

Amazon FBA fee changes are coming March 1st


These changes are causing some our current client’s big headaches, with some projecting a 50% increase on product lines.

With the deadline weeks away, there is little time left to make decisions and be ready. See our announcement to catch up on the details of changes being made.


Calculate your new costs

We are sharing our google FBA fee increase calculator spread sheet for you to map out your fee changes and make planned decisions on how to mitigate sudden spikes in fee increases.

Here is the calculator.


Please follow the below steps to use it
  1. The file is Read-only. Please got to File > Make a Copy
    1. This step ensures your data is now protected and owned by you alone.
  2. Delete the 'Sample' data on rows 3 and 4 of tab 'data'
  3. In Amazon seller central, export your ‘Fee Preview Report’. 
    1. Find this under ‘Reports > Fulfilment by Amazon > Fee Preview'
    2. If you are signed into your Seller account, click here
    3. On the ‘Data’ tab, copy and paste the report.
  4. You will soon see data populating on the ‘Results’ tab. The columns will show the fee changes by line item.
  5. A ‘Fee calculator’ tab will allow you to make some projections on actual mandatory fee cost increases.
    1. Select a ASIN from the data tab and manually enter the units you sell. This should project your estimates fee increases.

Please be aware:
  • This is for UK and EU fees only. Please contact us if your circumstances are different.
  • Some data has not been fully shared and announced. Actual fees may differ slightly on March 1st.
  • This will not work for small & light parcels presently


Good luck from everyone at the Rich Insight Team, and comment below or message us if you want help.